Our spring pancake breakfast is coming up on March 8th at 7 AM.

Pancake Breakfast Event 

HCS Grading & Academics

Several aspects considered in grading a student's achievements are: completion of work in meeting course requirements, work habits, attitudes and effort, conduct, and classroom relations.

Grades have lasting meaning beyond the school year since college administrators and prospective employers are often influenced by student grades and attendance reports, as well as by detention records and other special issues that are included on the permanent record.

The grade of “I” is given for incomplete work or work not finished in time when justifiable reasons are given. The grade “I” must be removed within three weeks after it is given, or it will automatically be changed to “F”.

All students who maintain a minimum “B” average for one grading period will be recognized by being placed on the honor roll.

Students at desks writing, and the student in the middle is holding a globe while writing

General Requirements

Hartville Christian School will help students plan their courses of study so that they will meet the requirements of the Ohio Board of Education and of Hartville Christian School. A minimum of 24 units of credit must be earned. A unit of credit is given upon the successful completion of each prepared subject scheduled for 200 minutes per week for a total of 36 weeks or 400 minutes per week for a total of 18 weeks.

The minimum requirements are as follows:

Course Units
Bible 4
English 4
Social Studies (US Gov't required) 3
Science 3
Math 3
Speech ½
Mennonite History 1
Computer Keyboarding 1
Computer Programming 1
Physical Education 1
Music 2
Electives 1
Health ½

List of Courses for High School Students

9th and 10th Grade

Subject Credits
Bible I (Gen.-Esther) 1
English I 1
Biology 1
World History 1
Music I ½
Physical Education ¼
Bible II (Matt.-Acts) 1
Physical Science 1
English II 1
Geometry 1
Home Economics or Elective ½
Industrial Arts or Elective ½
Computer Keyboarding 1
Music II ½
Physical Education II ¼

11th and 12th Grade

Subject Credits
Bible III (Job-Mal.) 1
English III 1
Chemistry 1
American History 1
Home Economics II (Sewing) ½
Industrial Arts II ¼
Human Physiology 1
Music III ½
Physical Education III ¼
Speech ½
Bible IV (Matt.-Acts) 1
English IV 1
Sociology ½
U.S. Government ½
Mennonite History ½
Economics ½
German or Spanish 1
Algebra II and Trigonometry 1
Music IV ½
Physical Education ¼
Computer Programming ½